使用技巧 > How to Create and Manage a Child Account in Windows 10

How to Create and Manage a Child Account in Windows 10



​It is easy for all parents to create children's account in windows 10 so that they can protect and monitor their children's activities on the internet.
Wise Registry Cleaner
清理无效的注册表键,修复 Windows 注册表错误,对 Windows 注册表进行整理,使您的 PC 保持最佳性能。

Every coin has two sides, we have to admit the advantage and convenience which internet brings to us, while we also worry about its bad influence especially on our children. Fortunately, Windows 10 allows us to add children's accounts so that we can monitor or manage how our kids use the computer. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to do that.

Add a child account in windows 10:

Step 1: Click “settings” from the start menu, and then choose “Family & other people”. 

add family and other people.png


Step 2: Click “Add a family member”, don’t forget to log in with your Microsoft account, or you can’t find the option here. 

add family member.png


Step 3: On the next screen, click “Add a child”. If your child already has an email address, enter it and click “Next.” If not, please click “The person I want to add doesn’t have an email address” to create a new one. 

add child account.png


Step 4: Now, your action will be asked to "confirm". 


Step 5: After confirmation, the invitation will be sent to your child’s mail address. Please click “Close”. 

send invitation.png

Step 6: Don’t forget to login to the child email and accept the invitation by clicking “Accept Invitation”. 

accept invitation.png

Manage a child account in windows 10:

First, turn on “activity reporting” to track your kid’s PC activity, then choose “Block inappropriate websites” by clicking the web browsing tab. 

block web browsing.png


And you can also limit the time your child accesses to your PC. Just turning on “Set limits for when my child can use devices.

limit computer using time.png

What’s more, the new added feature in Wise Registry Cleaner allows you to scan and clean all users’ registry. So it is unnecessary for you to worry about any registry issue caused by your child. 

wise registry cleaner.png


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