Aug. 03, 2021
- 1. 改进了搜索算法,可以找到更多的文件;
- 2. 修复了已知的错误;
- 3. 更新了语言文件;
- 4. 界面细节优化。
Mar. 29, 2021
- 1. 优化界面;
- 2. 改进搜索性能;
- 3. 快速搜索窗口新增支持鼠标右键菜单;
- 4. 修复部分已知的bugs。
Nov. 14, 2020
Jul. 09, 2020
- + 采用全新的界面;
- + 完美支持 4k 分辨率的显示器,支持文字缩放100%,150%,200%;
- + 增加文件预览功能;
- + 改进文件索引机制;
- + 改进搜索结果过滤功能。
May. 19, 2017
Wise JetSearch keeps on its improvements, and the newly released notes are as follows:
- Improved batch deletion.
- Improved right-click menu status.
- Updated various translations.
Apr. 25, 2017
Wise JetSearch keeps on its improvements, and the newly released notes are as follows:
- Fixed the issue of choosing disk drop-down list can't record the selection status.
- Fixed some File size display errors.
- Updated various translations.
Mar. 09, 2017
Wise JetSearch keeps on its improvements, and the newly released notes are as follows:
- Fixed the issue that some users can't choose the disk.
- Optimized search algorithm for faster search speed.
- Updated various translations.
Nov. 09, 2016
Wise JetSearch keeps on its improvements, and the newly released notes are as follows:
- Fixed the issue of covering the task bar after maximization.
- Open the file by using the default associated application automatically.
- Updated various translations.
- Minor GUI improvements.
Oct. 14, 2016
Wise JetSearch keeps on its improvements, and the newly released notes are as follows:
- Added the feature of cutting.
- Added the feature of exporting.
- Fixed the issue of being unable to run properly in limited account.
- Improved localization and language support.
Jun. 29, 2016
Wise JetSearch keeps on its improvements, and the newly released notes are as follows:
- Allow to change the position of the Quick Search floating window.
- Fixed the issue of choosing disk drop-down list can't record the selection status.
- Fixed the issue of drop-down list can't record the keywords which are searched recently.
- Fixed the issue of some interface information can't be refreshed in time.
- Updated various translations.
- Minor GUI Improvements.